#Describe yourself

Surabhi MS
2 min readApr 6, 2022
writing prompt

The more you grow the less you find happiness in big things.
How a 24-year-old finds her personality.

If you are a person who knows about yourself, good. I’m so proud of you. And if you are that one who is still confused about what you want from your life, welcome to my world of confusion.

How would you describe your personality?

Somewhere I read that when you know about yourself, you don’t settle for less. What about when I don’t know about myself.

Well, to be honest, I don’t know! If you ask me what kind of person I’m. I’m the most difficult person for me to get to know. The kind of personality I have each moment makes me feel like, do I have a proper personality!

Do I?

I ask these questions to myself all the time; the more I ask, the more I get confused about myself.

Sometimes I try to find myself. I try to sit alone and think, how’s me, but all I get is the emptiness.

I often think like, are we all like this or is this me!
The more I try to find out who I’m, the more I get sad.

But don’t think I’m the saddest person you have seen.
I’m the happiest version of myself when I wear my perfect fit.
When my stomach fills with my favorite food, I the happier when I’m able to help my loved one. I the happier and happier when someone is there to check up on me.

Little things that make me happy. The more you grow the less you find happiness in big things. You seem to find out what are all these happiest things which make you happy.

I only see the unhappiest version of myself more often.
I don’t even remember when I was the happiest.
But you know what I hate the most! The lazy me, the billionaire dreams I have to pursue, the lazier I’m.



Surabhi MS

The best part of my life is that I'm in my own world with words.